Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jin Kazama Tekken 6

In Tekken 6, Jin Kazama once again remains at the forefront of the game, as he has done since his radical debut in Tekken 3, where he was announced as Kazuya Mishima's son, and Heihachi Mishima's grandson. This brought a lot of tension to the family, and since then betrayal, revenge, and numerous brawls have taken place in the Tekken story. Jin's main involvement in this game is to try and stop Heihachi's plans of world domination. Heihachi has subsequently put a bounty on Jin's head to try and get rid of him. This narrative has been reflected in Jin's new costume - a full black tracksuit with a hood. The reason behind this costume is that he now needs to remain incognito, and this kind of costume will help him sneak around. The costume looks absolutely awesome, and from the moment I saw a video of Tekken 6 Jin Kazama fighting in his new threads, I knew I had to have this game - It made me feel like a little kid again.

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